Jerry's show record as a exhibitor: 597 Grands, 371 Reserves, 1364 Halter points in 2079 shows for 2129 points in halter Roping - 17 wins, 165 shows and 130 total points Jerry and Betty Wells, Jim, Nancy, Brendon and Brittney Barr. We had a great time at the 2006 AJQHA World Show. Our 13 years old Grandson Brendon Barr made us very proud. Jerry and his grandchildren, Brendon and Brittney Barr at the 2005 AQHA World Show NANCY WELLS BARR QUALIFYING FOR THE NATIONAL FINALS RODEO IN 1988 Nancy Wells Barr the daughter of Jerry and Betty Wells was born in 1967. She resides with her husband Jim and children Brendon and Brittney Bar in Ada, Okla. Nancy is a former WPRA QUALIFIER at the National Finals Rodeo in 1988. She made the College National Finals representing Southwestern Okla State University and the National High School Finals. Nancy also holds the record for the most Youth World Champions in Halter in the AJQHA with 12. She also qualified at the AJQHA world Show in western pleasure, barrels and poles. Nancy graduated from East Central State university. Brittney Barr (age 10) with her horse BUDDY, (age 21) winning their first all-around championship at the Pontotoc County Fair in Ada, Okla Feb 2007!! They were representing the Latta 4-H. 10 Year old BRITTNEY BARR and 21 Year old BUDDY with PAPAW((Jerry) at her first youth show October 2006 JIM, NANCY AND BRITTNEY BARR BRANDON BARR attended Florida State University Baseball Camp December 2006 in Tallahassee Florida. Jim & Nancy's son Brendon pictured above. Brendon Barr was AJQHA ROOKIE OF THE YEAR in 2001 at age 8 years old. He was not old enough to show at the AJQHA world show. MARTY WELLS PICTURED WITH SHORTYS RAMBLER MARTY WELLS THE SON OF JERRY AND BETTY WELLS WAS A MULTIPLE AJQHA WORLD CHAMPION CALF ROPING AND BREAKAWAY. HE WENT ON TO ROPE IN THE PRCA. MARTY IS NOW 34 YEARS OLD AND LIVES WITH HIS WIFE MARY IN SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO CALIFORNIA. MARY TEACHES JUMPING AND SHOWS IN THE ASHA SHOWS AND MARTY OWNS A BBQ RESTAURANT "BAD TO THE BONE BBQ" IN SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA.
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